Presentations and webinars

Symposium – International Perspectives on Promoting Population Mental Health and Wellbeing as a Critical Strategy for Sustainable Health Development
Pascale Mantoura, Scientific Advisor at the NCCHPP, participated in the Health Promotion World Conference of the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) held in Rotorua, New Zealand, in April 2019. She offered a symposium on promoting population mental health in collaboration with experts Margaret M. Barry and Janet Fanslow.

Webinar – Discussing Public Health Roles in Population Mental Health and Wellness Promotion
In this webinar, co-presented by the NCCHPP and Public Health Sudbury & Districts, presenters discussed a general overview of the roles of public health in population mental health and wellness promotion and presented an example of integration of a population mental health perspective in public health practice.

Course – Population Mental Health: Roles of Public Health
On June 6 2018, NCCHPP’s Pascale Manoura offered a class on the role of public health in population mental health in the mental health course MSO6080 offered in the master’s program in public health at the School of Public Health at the University of Montréal.

Presentation – The Role of Public Health in Mental Health Promotion: Informing the Development of a Mental Health Promotion Strategy
NCCHPP’s Pascale Mantoura contributed to a day-long collective reflection with Sudbury & District Health Unit on informing the development of a mental health promotion strategy.

Webinar – Defining a Framework on Population Mental Health for Public Health Practitioners
The goal of this webinar, presented on June 19th 2014 by Pascale Mantoura, was to present a framework on Population Mental Health for public health.