Presentations and webinars
Webinar – How to Lead Intersectoral Collaborations for Health and Equity when Resources are Limited?
What needs to be considered when you want to establish or maintain intersectoral partnerships in the context of limited resources? During this webinar, we presented the results of a literature review on intersectoral actions for health and equity in the context of budgetary constraints, the experience of the COVID-19 vaccine promotion deployment initiative among Black communities in the Direction régionale de santé publique de Montréal, as well as certain reflections on the theme of intersectoral collaborations with limited resources. This webinar was offered in French on June 11, 2024.
Webinar – Health in All Policies Initiatives at the Local Level: What Do They Look Like, and How to Strengthen Their Implementation?
Based on 5 case studies in Ontario and Québec, this webinar explored the diversity of forms that HiAP initiatives take at the local level and the way the people involved strengthen their implementation. It was held on May 7, 2024.
Symposium – What Can Public Health Organizations Do to Improve Their Capacities to Act on Healthy Public Policies?
The NCCHPP offered a symposium entitled: What Can Public Health Organizations Do to Improve Their Capacities to Act on Healthy Public Policies? on April 25 at the Public Health 2024 Conference in Halifax.
Presentation – Collaborating with Elected Representatives in Small Québec Municipalities
This presentation was organized by the Québec Public Health Knowledge Translation Community of Practice (Communauté de pratique sur le transfert des connaissances en santé publique du Québec) for their members. It foregrounded the expertise of Madeleine Lefebvre, a municipal councillor and researcher at the Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue and of Florence Morestin, Scientific Advisor at the NCCHPP. This presentation was held on February 21, 2024.
Centre for Healthy Communities 2023 Innovation Forum
The NCCHPP is proud to have participated in the Centre for Healthy Communities 2023 Innovation Forum. It was a great opportunity to engage with practice, policy, industry, and research leaders from across Alberta to share ideas for building a sustainable, healthy future for our communities. This online event was held on November 30, 2023.
The NCCHPP offered a presentation at the Metropolis Social Determinants of Health Conference
Our colleagues Willy Dunbar and Val Morrison, Scientific Advisors at the NCCHPP, shared their expertise and sparked discussion on health inequalities during a panel entitled Health Inequalities in Public Health Crises: How COVID-19 Impacted Existing Inequalities during the Metropolis Social Determinants of Health Conference that was held in October 2023, in Gatineau.
New 2-Part Podcast Episode on Public Policy
Listen to this 2-part podcast episode, where our colleague Val Morrison discusses the essentials of public policy and the core competencies for public health in Canada.
Workshop – Introduction to Public Policy
This interactive workshop addressed the following questions: How public policy have been integrated into health promotion’s mission until now? What other dimensions and avenues deserve consideration? It was held on May 26, 2023.
Webinar – Implementing Health in All Policies Approaches in Canada
This webinar addressed the following question: What do public health and civil society actors need to know to implement Health in All Policies (HiAP) approaches in Canada? It took place on Tuesday, February 21, 2023.
Webinar – Health in All Policies in Québec: Working Across Sectors to Promote Health and Equity
In this webinar offered by the GNHIAP, we shared the experience of Québec in implementing its Politique gouvernementale de prévention en santé (governmental health prevention policy), a policy inspired by a HiAP approach that mobilizes levers of non-health sectors to address the determinants of health. This webinar took place on January 30, 2023.