Public Health Ethics
Ethical issues arise in every sector of public health, whether during a crisis or in day-to-day activities. However, issues are not always seen; and if unseen, they may not be addressed. It is well-acknowledged in public health that professional and institutional choices and structures can support and lead to more evidence-informed decision making. We see ethics in a similar way: professional and institutional choices and structures can support and lead to more ethically-informed decision-making.
Ethical considerations can be explicitly brought into play when making decisions about policies, programs, communications, interactions with the public, etc. Focusing on ethics can help to identify potential issues, consider the values that might be at play, the benefits and harms that might accrue to different people and groups, and whether and how inequities might be reduced or made worse in different situations. Ultimately, literacy in ethics can help us to integrate these considerations into our actions, and ultimately improve health and well-being.
In this section you will find resources to guide practitioners and decision-makers in drawing ethical considerations into practice, including an online course, publications, a collection of ethics frameworks, case studies, and resources specific to the ethics of COVID-19 pandemic.
To consult our resources in public health ethics, click on the links below :
Free Online Course – An Introduction to Public Health Ethics

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