Examples of the Use and Adaptation of the NCCHPP’s Framework for Analyzing Public Policies
The NCCHPP presents a few examples of use and adaptation of its Framework for Analyzing Public Policies by different public health actors in Canada. These six examples were collected during a call for stories, launched in December 2017.
Ethics Education in Public Health: Where Are We Now and Where Are We Going? – Summary
In this short summary, we present the main findings from a review of the international and Canadian public health and bioethics literatures that was conducted in order to learn about public health ethics (PHE) education in public health programs and schools.
Survey to Identify the Public Health Ethics Needs of Public Health Practitioners in Canada: Preliminary Results
This document presents a preliminary, graphic summary of results from a questionnaire that was intended to survey Canadian public health practitioners on the subject of public health ethics.
Survey on Ethics Teaching in Public Health Schools and Programs in Canada: Preliminary Results
This document presents a preliminary, graphic summary of results from a survey of university directors of population and public health programs, or professors responsible for ethics teaching, within population and public health schools or programs in Canadian universities on the subject of teaching ethics in public health in their institutions.
How Can We (and Why Should We) Analyze the Ethics of Paternalistic Policies in Public Health?
The purpose of this document is to equip public health actors to conduct a critical and nuanced ethical analysis of public health policies or population-based interventions accused or suspected of being paternalistic.
An Introduction to Punctuated Equilibrium: A Model for Understanding Stability and Dramatic Change in Public Policies
This briefing note belongs to a series on the various models used in political science to represent public policy development processes.
Policy Makers’ Advisors, Scientific Knowledge and Knowledge Sharing: Highlights of a Literature Review and Key Lessons
This summary of our literature review on the advisors of policy makers focuses on the key lessons for professionals and researchers who wish to share public health knowledge to inform public policy development.
The Advisors of Policy Makers: Who Are They, How Do They Handle Scientific Knowledge and What Can We Learn About How to Share Such Knowledge with Them?
The advisors of policy makers play an important role in public policy development and in determining whether and how scientific knowledge is used during this process. This literature review explores their role and proposes avenues for reflection for public health actors who wish to share knowledge with them.
A Framework for Supporting Action in Population Mental Health
This document, a translation from an original published article, builds on previous work by the NCCHPP and illustrates how the population mental health framework for public health could be implemented in the Québec context. It is the result of a collaboration between Pascale Mantoura from the NCCHPP, Marie-Claude Roberge from the INSPQ and Louise Fournier from the Université de Montréal.
Healthy Public Policies and Population Mental Health Promotion for Children and Youth
This briefing note clarifies the relationships between healthy public policies (HPPs), mental health promotion and reducing inequalities in the mental health of children and youth.