On January 19, our colleague and NCCHPP researcher, Nicole F. Bernier, offered a presentation alongside researchers Françoise Jabot (École des hautes études en santé publique, Rennes) and Jean Simos (Université de Genève) at a seminar marking the launch of a new transversal working group dedicated to Health in All Policies (HiAP) which is part of the Haut Conseil de la Santé Publique (High Council of Public Health), in France. Nicole’s presentation was on the roles expected of national and subnational governments on an overarching HiAP policy covering the entire territory under their jurisdiction. The three researchers had a lengthy discussion with the approximately 65 participants on critical HiAP issues such as processes of Health Impact Assessment (HIA) and conditions faced by public health sector actors when they want to encourage better taking into account of the social determinants of health in policies promoted by other sectors. Everyone benefited from this rendering of various recent experiences in French, Swiss, and Canadian contexts.
If you are interested by Health in All Policies, don’t miss our upcoming webinar on the subject:
Webinar – Implementing Health in All Policies approaches in Canada
Tuesday, February 21 2023, 1:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. EST
You can also watch the recording of this webinar held on January 30:
Webinar – Health in All Policies in Québec: Working Across Sectors to Promote Health and Equity