These publications from the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ) cover a range of public health topics and shed light on current issues. These publications are the result of an agreement to receive financial support from the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) for the translation of INSPQ publications, as part of PHAC’s Science in French Initiative. The aim of this partnership is to promote the dissemination of scientific expertise to meet pan-Canadian needs. The NCCHPP is pleased to contribute to the dissemination efforts of these resources developed by our colleagues from the INSPQ. Should you have any questions regarding these resources, please send an email at:

The resources are organized by category. Click on their titles (in green) to consult them.

Built Environment

The use of the concept of vulnerability in public health | Institut national de santé publique du Québec
Vulnerability is a concept widely used in public health, sometimes with negative consequences for the groups so labelled. However, vulnerability is a complex combination of factors specific to each context. When planning a public health measure, it is advisable to look at its various facets to determine what “being vulnerable” means for a group in a specific context. To help guide this reflection, this publication offers a practical tool based on an accelerated ethical review process.

Actions to optimize the use and design of outdoor recreational facilities | Institut national de santé publique du Québec
This publication reports on the health and well-being benefits of outdoor recreational facilities. It also proposes relevant courses of action to make them more conducive to health and well-being. Finally, the document provides tools, inspiring examples and useful references for taking the development of outdoor recreational facilities a step further.

Universal Accessibility: Designing Environments for All
Universal accessibility refers to an inclusive approach that takes into account the differing needs and living conditions of individuals. It aims, in particular, to promote equitable use of the built environment. This would allow any person to engage in activities independently and achieve equivalent results.

This publication addresses the following questions:
• Why prioritize accessibility of the built environment?
• What are the health benefits of universal accessibility?
• How can we create inclusive environments?
• What is universal design?
• What tools can be used to integrate accessibility issues into planning practices?
• Which places should be prioritized for intervention?

Infectious Diseases

Monitoring zoonotic diseases in Québec: overview and avenues for action | Institut national de santé publique du Québec
Over the last ten years, there has been an annual increase in the number of reported cases of Lyme disease and two record years of West Nile virus infection, indicating the changing epidemiological situation of zoonoses in Québec. It is also expected that the effects of climate change will favour the emergence or geographical spread of certain zoonoses. In response to these developments, a number of measures have been taken to optimize zoonose surveillance. The aim of this project was to study the state of surveillance of zoonoses transmitted by ticks, mosquitoes and enteric zoonoses in Québec in 2022. It also aimed to consider possible courses of action to optimize this surveillance so that it can guide the implementation of preventive measures adapted to new climatic and ecological contexts.

Indigenous Health

Indigenous youth, health, wellness, and social media: a scoping review | Institut national de santé publique du Québec
Knowledge about young people’s use of social media and their health is still fragmentary, and very rarely focuses on Indigenous youth. That is why this scoping review explores the extent and nature of knowledge about Indigenous users aged 15 to 29, and the health themes that emerge.

Life Habits

Alcohol consumption during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in Québec and Canada | Institut national de santé publique du Québec
Based on data derived from six probability surveys conducted from March 29, 2020 to April 28, 2021, this infographic presents rates of increase in alcohol consumption in Québec and Canada during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. It also provides sociodemographic characteristics and those linked to mental health status associated with this increase, as well as reasons most frequently mentioned to explain it. Results revealed an appreciable proportion of people who reported an increase in their alcohol consumption during this period. They also suggest that in some cases, alcohol seems to have been consumed as a coping strategy, which entails the greatest risk of harms, such as the development of an alcohol use disorder.

Mental Health

Preventing Suicide by Reducing Adverse Childhood Experiences and Their Consequences: Possible Courses of Action | Institut national de santé publique du Québec
Suicide prevention is a public health priority. In Canada and Québec, suicide is the second leading cause of death among young adults. Negative childhood experiences (e.g., physical or sexual abuse, exposure to domestic violence, parental mental health problems) increase the risk of suicide throughout life. This knowledge synthesis is an innovative piece of work. It aims to understand how prevention and promotion interventions are likely to reduce negative childhood experiences and their consequences (including mental health problems) and thus contribute to suicide prevention.

Interventions tools developed by the INSPQ about psychosocial risks in the workplace and health promotion

Awareness sheet

An abundance of scientific evidence from around the world points to the adverse effects of workplace psychosocial risks on mental health and physical health. But what risks are we talking about? Why should we be concerned? Which groups of workers are at greater risk? These are the questions addressed in this fact sheet: Workplace Psychosocial Risks: Measurable and Modifiable Health Risks.

Fact sheets on management practices that promote workplace mental health

These publications provide checklists of good management practices for preventing certain psychosocial risks in the workplace.