Structure of the Canadian Network for Health in All Policies (CNHiAP)


The NCCHPP is acting as the Secretariat for the CNHiAP. The Secretariat coordinates the Network’s projects and supports its members.


In order to foster collaborative leadership, the Network adopted a co-chairs model. The Scientific Lead of the NCCHPP takes the role of Chair for the Network and a co-Chair is nominated from among the members.
The Chair and co-Chair provide leadership for the Steering Committee and supervise its work.

Marianne Jacques, Acting Scientific Lead, NCCHPP
Addie Pryce, Vice President, Indigenous Partnerships, Interior Health, British Columbia

Steering Committee

The Network is guided by a Steering Committee whose role consists of providing strategic guidance, supervising, and supporting the development of the Network’s activities. The Chair and co-Chair are voting members of the Steering Committee.

To consult the list of Steering Committee members, click here.

Secretariat Members

Natalia Botero, CNHiAP Coordinator
Camille Mercier, CNHiAP Coordination Assistant

Network Members

The Network comprises public health actors working on or interested in HiAP or HiAP-inspired approaches. Members may come from government (Federal Provincial, Territorial, regional, local), First Nations, Inuit, or Métis governments or organizations, universities, and not-for-profit organizations from across Canada.

During the establishment phase, the Network will recruit members by invitation only. This will allow us to set solid foundations for the Network and facilitate the support and engagement of members. Depending on the Network’s needs and evolution, this approach will be re-evaluated and changed if necessary.