The NCCHPP has produced a 26-minute documentary video on health impact assessment, featuring selections from interviews with international experts.

Besides offering a broad picture of some of the main themes of interest in the field, this video focuses on five areas of current interest in the world of health impact assessment (HIA) :

  • HIA and citizen participation,
  • HIA and equity,
  • HIA and intersectoral collaboration,
  • Integration of HIA in environmental impact assessments, and
  • Certification for professional qualifications for practitioners.

Based on interviews conducted with leaders in the field during the 12th annual International Conference on HIA, held in August 2012 in Québec City, this video will be of interest to seasoned professionals as well as for those who are new to the field. We hope that you enjoy it.

The NCCHPP would like to thank the following for generously agreeing to offer their time to sit with us for interviews during a busy conference. It is greatly appreciated.

Louise St-Pierre
Colleen Cameron
Eva Elliott
Alez Scott-Samuel
Martin Higgins

Louise Signal
Stepahnie Lefebvre
Lea den Broader
Denis Marion
Marla Orenstein

Aaron Wernham
Martin Birley
Andrew Dannenberg
John Kemm
Rajiv Bhatia

Danny Broderick
Ben Harris-Roxas
Jean Simos
Robert Quigley