
Webinar – How Institutions, Politics, Organizations, and Governance Shaped COVID-19 Responses
This webinar introduced the IPOG framework, outlining the definitions of its components – Institutions, Politics, Organizations, and Governance. We explored how these factors interacted to influence decision making during the COVID-19 crisis, using examples from qualitative data on response decisions in British Columbia, Nova Scotia, Québec, and Ontario. It was held on January 30, 2025.

Webinar – Strategies for Public Health Organizations to Enhance Their Capacities to Act on Healthy Public Policies
In this webinar, we explored applicable strategies and tools public health organizations can implement to advance healthy public policies. This webinar was held on November 14, 2024.

Webinar – How to Lead Intersectoral Collaborations for Health and Equity when Resources are Limited?
This webinar provided an overview of the challenges, opportunities, and strategies to consider when setting up or maintaining intersectoral initiatives in a context of limited resources. It was held on October 23, 2024.

Webinar – Health in All Policies Initiatives at the Local Level: What Do They Look Like, and How to Strengthen Their Implementation?
Based on 5 case studies in Ontario and Québec, this webinar explored the diversity of forms that HiAP initiatives take at the local level and the way the people involved strengthen their implementation. It was held on May 7, 2024.

Workshop – Introduction to Public Policy
This interactive workshop addressed the following questions: How public policy have been integrated into health promotion’s mission until now? What other dimensions and avenues deserve consideration? It was held on May 26, 2023.

Webinar – Implementing Health in All Policies Approaches in Canada
This webinar addressed the following question: What do public health and civil society actors need to know to implement Health in All Policies (HiAP) approaches in Canada? It took place on Tuesday, February 21, 2023.

Webinar – Health in All Policies in Québec: Working Across Sectors to Promote Health and Equity
In this webinar offered by the GNHIAP, we shared the experience of Québec in implementing its Politique gouvernementale de prévention en santé (governmental health prevention policy), a policy inspired by a HiAP approach that mobilizes levers of non-health sectors to address the determinants of health. This webinar took place on January 30, 2023.

Webinar – The Wellbeing Policy Turn: Four Central Government Initiatives and the Role of Public Health
This webinar introduced the recent trend toward wellbeing policy-making by looking at how this change has emerged and especially, reports on the wellbeing policies of four central governments. It took place on December 13, 2022.

Creating Healthy Public Policy Webinar – Navigating the Public Policy Pathway
The NCCHPP’s Florence Morestin spoke at the Creating Healthy Public Policy Webinar – Navigating the Public Policy Pathway on November 10, 2022. This webinar aimed to provide insights and tools to those who are creating or influencing public policies within their community.
This event was presented by PlanH, a collaboration between BC Healthy Communities Society and the BC Ministry of Health.

Webinar – What Can We Learn from Public Health Expenditure Data in Canada from 1975 to 2018?
This webinar presented and discussed key findings from research led and published by Dr. Mehdi Ammi, Professor at Carleton University’s School of Public Policy and Administration in Ottawa, entitled, “Interpreting Forty-Three-Year Trends of Expenditures on Public Health in Canada: Long-Run Trends, Temporal Periods, and Data Differences”. It took place on June 9, 2022.