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Portrait of Health in All Policies in Canada: Advancing Public Health and Equity Through the Vancouver Coastal Health Healthy Public Policy Unit
This document presents the Healthy Public Policy Unit of Vancouver Coastal Health in British Columbia, as an example of a Health in All Policies (HiAP) approach. It is part of a series of case studies aimed at enhancing knowledge about HiAP, highlighting promising practices, and promoting the exchange of ideas across Canada.

Portrait of Health in All Policies in Canada: The Grey Bruce Public Health Experience in Fostering Healthy Communities
This document presents the Healthy Communities Partnership of Grey Bruce Public Health in Ontario, as an example of a Health in All Policies (HiAP) approach. It is part of a series of case studies aimed at enhancing knowledge about HiAP, highlighting promising practices, and promoting the exchange of ideas across Canada.

Portrait of Health in All Policies in Canada: Québec’s Collaborative Model for Health Prevention Governance
This document presents the Government of Québec’s Public Health Prevention Policy as an example of a Health in All Policies (HiAP) approach. It is part of a series of case studies aimed at enhancing knowledge about HiAP, highlighting promising practices, and promoting the exchange of ideas across Canada.

Series – Portrait of Health in All Policies in Canada
This series highlights a variety of Health in All Policies initiatives in Canada. Each case summary examines an initiative’s origins, mission, objectives, governance, implementation mechanisms, achievements, funding, and evaluation tools.

Webinar – How Institutions, Politics, Organizations, and Governance Shaped COVID-19 Responses
This webinar introduced the IPOG framework, outlining the definitions of its components – Institutions, Politics, Organizations, and Governance. We explored how these factors interacted to influence decision making during the COVID-19 crisis, using examples from qualitative data on response decisions in British Columbia, Nova Scotia, Québec, and Ontario. It was held on January 30, 2025.

Guides and Resources Relevant to the Functioning and Governance of Canadian Municipalities, by Province and Territory
Canadian municipalities play a key role in local governance by collaborating with public health actors to improve living conditions and community well-being. To facilitate such collaboration, the NCCHPP has made available a selection of complementary guides and resources that can be accessed online and that provide details about the functioning of municipal administrations across Canada.

Video – Could you describe one instrument or a strategy used by your organization to improve your public policy practices?
In this video, Kari Barkhouse explains how setting clear guidelines on what health-promoting public policies mean for their organization helped to align organizational efforts, legitimize this work, and support community actions through extensive collaboration and leadership approval.

Video – What advice would you give to public health actors wishing to advance healthy public policy work?
In this video, Kari Barkhouse shares valuable insights for advancing work on health-promoting public policies. She emphasizes the importance of building a shared understanding within the organization and strengthening the capacities of both frontline staff and organizational leaders.

Video – What advice would you give to those who wish to advance Health in All Policies at the local level?
In this video, Mathieu Masse Jolicoeur presents concrete actions to integrate Health in All Policies, improve living conditions, and promote healthy lifestyles in collaboration with local stakeholders.

Video – Why should local public health actors and municipalities be interested in Health in All Policies approaches?
In this video, Mathieu Masse Jolicoeur highlights the benefits of adopting a Health in All Policies approach at the local level.