The Canadian Network for Health in All Policies

The Canadian Network for Health in All Policies (CNHiAP) is a bilingual network that aims to facilitate, through knowledge mobilization, the uptake and implementation of Health in All Policies (HiAP) approaches in Canada. It was created in December 2022 by the NCCHPP. This project has been made possible with the support of the Public Health Agency of Canada.

The Health in All Policies Approach

As an intersectoral approach to acting on the social determinants of health and improving health equity, HiAP (and HiAP-inspired approaches) may prove useful in guiding public health renewal in Canada by strengthening capacity for promoting and developing healthy public policies.


The CNHiAP’s target audience is, of course, composed of its members. The members are public health actors working on or interested in HiAP or HiAP-inspired approaches. Members may come from government (Federal, Provincial, Territorial, regional, local), First Nations, Inuit, or Métis governments or organizations, universities, and not-for-profit organizations from across Canada.

The resources and specific activities developed through the Network will be accessible to everyone interested in HiAP and intersectoral activities favouring health, whether they work in public health or in any other sector.


The Network’s objectives are:

1. Expanding knowledge about HiAP implementation in Canada

2. Facilitating partnerships between public health actors working on, or interested in, HiAP

3. Supporting capacity building for HiAP among public health actors in Canada

4. Working with First Nations, Inuit, and Métis partners towards developing HiAP approaches that recognize and incorporate their ways of knowing and governing.

This initiative builds on the recommendations and interests expressed during a pan-Canadian meeting on HiAP held in 2019, on the results of a consultation with key Canadian and international actors in 2021-2022, as well as on the advice of an Advisory Committee convened to define the mandate and scope of the CNHiAP’s work.