Registration Register Description Discover the NCCHPP free online course on Health Impact Assessment (HIA)! HIA is a structured and innovative approach to inform decision makers about the potential impacts of a project, program or policy on the health and well-being...
Video – Health in All Policies and Health Impact Assessment: Main Differences and Similarities
Videos, Videos HIA, Videos HiAP
In this first clip, Dr. Elizabeth Harris describes the main differences, similarities and points of connection between Health Impact Assessment and Health in All Policies. These are two approaches that integrate health considerations into decision making through...
Video – Health in All Policies and Health Impact Assessment: Relevance at the Local and Regional Levels
Videos, Videos HIA, Videos HiAP
In this second clip, Dr. Elizabeth Harris explains why Health Impact Assessment and Health in All Policies are relevant at the local or regional level, and what makes partnerships with municipalities pertinent for health promotion. The NCCHPP conducted an interview...
In this third clip, Dr. Elizabeth Harris describes the Learning by Doing approach to Health Impact Assessment that was developed at her centre. The NCCHPP conducted an interview with Dr. Harris, a pioneer in the field of Health Impact Assessment and in promoting...
Video – Health Impact Assessment and Equity-focused Health Impact Assessment: Main Differences
Videos, Videos HIA, Videos HiAP
In this fourth clip, Dr. Elizabeth Harris describes the main differences between Health Impact Assessment and Equity-focused Health Impact Assessment. She also presents the main reasons for opting for an Equity-focused Health Impact Assessment, and the tools to help...