Presentations and webinars

Webinar – How to Lead Intersectoral Collaborations for Health and Equity when Resources are Limited?
This webinar provided an overview of the challenges, opportunities, and strategies to consider when setting up or maintaining intersectoral initiatives in a context of limited resources. It was held on October 23, 2024.

Webinar – Health in All Policies Initiatives at the Local Level: What Do They Look Like, and How to Strengthen Their Implementation?
Based on 5 case studies in Ontario and Québec, this webinar explored the diversity of forms that HiAP initiatives take at the local level and the way the people involved strengthen their implementation. It was held on May 7, 2024.

Workshop – Introduction to Public Policy
This interactive workshop addressed the following questions: How public policy have been integrated into health promotion’s mission until now? What other dimensions and avenues deserve consideration? It was held on May 26, 2023.

Webinar – Implementing Health in All Policies Approaches in Canada
This webinar addressed the following question: What do public health and civil society actors need to know to implement Health in All Policies (HiAP) approaches in Canada? It took place on Tuesday, February 21, 2023.

Webinar – Health in All Policies in Québec: Working Across Sectors to Promote Health and Equity
In this webinar offered by the GNHIAP, we shared the experience of Québec in implementing its Politique gouvernementale de prévention en santé (governmental health prevention policy), a policy inspired by a HiAP approach that mobilizes levers of non-health sectors to address the determinants of health. This webinar took place on January 30, 2023.

Webinar – Public Health Partner Authorities: An Example of Health in All Policies Governance in Practice
In this webinar, offered by the GNHiAP, speakers presented the South Australia’s experience in implementing Public Health Partner Authorities (PHPAs). PHPAs are formal collaboration mechanisms destined to support population health and wellbeing.

Symposium – Supporting the Deployment of Health in All Policies (HiAP) in Canada: Implementation Prospects, Training Review, and Creation of a Pan-Canadian Network
This presentation provides a synthesis of Health in All Policies-related work developed by the NCCHPP in 2021-2022.

Webinar – The Tool for Assessing the Effects of Local Intersectoral Action
In this webinar, co-presented by the NCCMT, the NCCHPP and the NCCDH, we presented the Tool for Assessing the Effects of Local Intersectoral Action, an interactive online tool that uses timeline mapping to support assessment of the impacts of local intersectoral action in living environments.

Webinar – Health in All Policies in times of COVID-19: Wellbeing economics and social protection
This webinar addressed the economic and social inequalities-related factors in Nordic countries and Scotland in times of COVID-19. It was held on January 26, 2021.

Webinar – Health in All Policies in times of COVID-19: What roles for the health sector moving forward?
The NCCHPP offered a webinar to explore how Health in All Policies can help address inequalities and act on the social determinants affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. It was held on November 10, 2020.