Presentations were made on February 21, 2024 by Madeleine Lefebvre, a municipal councillor at the City of Maniwaki and researcher at the Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue and by Florence Morestin, Scientific Advisor at the NCCHPP.

On the invitation of the Québec Public Health Knowledge Translation Community of Practice (Communauté de pratique en transfert des connaissances en santé publique du Québec), Madeleine Lefebvre presented her research on the use of different types of knowledge by elected representatives in small municipalities in Québec, and the courses of action to more effectively reach them. Florence Morestin completed the presentation by explaining municipal government structures, highlighting additional considerations on the role of municipal public servants, and offering advice to public health actors on how to collaborate with the municipal level.

To learn more: Knowledge Mobilization Practices of Elected Representatives in Small Québec Municipalities – Results from an Exploratory Study (Rapport aux savoirs des é des petites municipalités québécoises – Résultats d’une étude exploratoire). (available in French only).

To consult the PPT presentation (available in French only), click here.

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