Presentations and webinars
Exchange Day – Evidence and policy-making at JASP 2008
In November, 2008, the NCCHPP organized a day-long workshop at JASP (Journées annuelles de santé publique – Annual Public Health Days) to explore issues surrounding the nature, types and uses of evidence in decision-making.
Working with the Commission on the Social Determinants of Health Framework in the Canadian Context
In this workshop at the National Collaborating Centres for Public Health 2008 Summer Institute, Val Morrison presented presented the conceptual framework employed by the Commission on the Social Determinants of Health (CSDH).
The Centre speaks to the Senate Subcommittee about health impact assessment
In June, 2008, Louise St-Pierre made a presentation to the Senate Subcommittee on Population Health about health impact assessment and its potential use at the federal level.
The NCCHPP speaks to the Senate Subcommittee on Population Health
The Centre’s Lead François Benoit speaks to the Senate Subcommittee on Population Health about knowledge translation.