Guide for Developing a Knowledge-Sharing Plan – NCCHPP Internal Tool
This working tool is used at the NCCHPP to plan knowledge-sharing activities. We are making it publicly available in order to contribute to further reflection and discussion on this topic.
Logic Model for Evaluating Knowledge-Sharing Activities – NCCHPP Internal Tool
This working tool guides the evaluation of the NCCHPP’s knowledge-sharing activities. We are making it publicly available in order to contribute to further reflection and discussion on knowledge sharing.
Public Policy Models and Their Usefulness in Public Health: The Stages Model
This briefing note introduces the stages model in public policy, a model that allows one to present the complex process of public policy development.
Planning Knowledge Sharing in the Context of a Health Impact Assessment
This briefing note explains how to plan and incorporate knowledge-sharing activities while conducting a health impact assessment.
Developing a Citizen-Participation Strategy for Health Impact Assessment: Practical Guide
This practical guide looks at the relevance and the feasibility of a citizen-participation strategy in the context of a health impact assessment.
Wicked Problems and Public Policy
This fact sheet defines the essential features of wicked problems and discusses how they might be addressed.
Developmental Health and Public Policy: Annotated Bibliography
This document provides a list of resources related to the developmental health and well-being of children.
Population and Public Health Ethics: Cases from research, policy, and practice
This Casebook features 16 cases on population and public health ethics that are accompanied by an invited case discussion.
Constructing a Logic Model for a Healthy Public Policy: Why and How?
This briefing note presents a kind of logic model which can be a helpful tool for reflecting on the effectiveness of healthy public policies.
Tools and Approaches for Assessing and Supporting Public Health Action on the Social Determinants of Health and Health Equity
This guide, co-produced by NCCDH and NCCHPP, presents tools and approaches used specifically to reduce (or at least to not increase) health inequalities.