
Developing a Canadian Network for Health in All Policies: Consultations with Actors from Canada and Abroad
This report presents the results of a consultation to guide the development of a Canadian Network for Health in All Policies.

Towards a HiAP Approach for Canada’s Federal, Provincial and Territorial Jurisdictions?
Federal, provincial and territorial governments may wish to consider a Health in All Policies (HiAP) strategy as an additional lever that can improve the synergy between all their policies and programs that contribute to population health. This article aims to provide public health actors with a better understanding of HiAP and to clarify what can be expected from a HiAP approach in the Canadian policy context.

Health in All Policies Training: Inventory, Analysis, and Avenues for Reflection
This document aims to provide an overview of existing Health in All Policies (HiAP) training and suggests avenues for reflection towards improvement, notably from a Canadian perspective.

Report – Governing for the Public’s Health: Governance Options for a Strengthened and Renewed Public Health System in Canada
This report presents the findings from a literature review that was commissioned by the Office of the Chief Public Health Officer (CPHO) at the Public Health Agency of Canada to inform the 2021 annual CPHO report entitled: A Vision to Transform Canada’s Public Health System.

The Roles of Public Health in Population Mental Health and Wellness Promotion
This report is a guidance document on the roles of public health in population mental health and wellness promotion (PMHWP) across Canada. The main portion of the report focuses on the roles of public health in PMHWP. It first describes the five roles that emerged from the discussions. Each role is then presented in depth.

Whole-of-Government Wellbeing Approaches: A Comparative Analysis of Four Central Government Initiatives
Wellbeing approaches are innovative initiatives for incorporating wellbeing (or quality of life) indicators into policymaking and budget allocation processes. Among other things, they aim to guide and improve the intersectoral action needed to address population health and health inequalities. In order to inform decision making related to wellbeing approaches, the NCCHPP has produced a comparative analysis of four wellbeing approaches put forward by the governments of Scotland, Finland, New Zealand, and Wales.

Public Policy Analysis Tool for Rapid Decision Making in Public Health
The NCCHPP has collaborated with the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ) to develop a public policy analysis tool adapted to rapid decision-making contexts. This tool is particularly relevant in the context of a health emergency, where decisions must be made at an accelerated pace.

Wellbeing Budgeting: A Critical Public Health Perspective. Invited Commentary
As part of its series on wellbeing policy approaches, the NCCHPP has invited noted public health scholar, Dr. Lindsay McLaren, to offer a critical perspective on the risks and opportunities of this policy turn for public health.

Impact Assessments in Indigenous Contexts: Promising Avenues for Reflection and Improvement for Health Impact Assessment
This report presents findings from a literature review on impact assessments in Indigenous contexts and proposes courses of action aimed at improving the practice of health impact assessment (HIA) in Indigenous contexts.

Build Back Better: Wellbeing Budgets for a Post COVID-19 Recovery?
This Fact Sheet presents the recent turn to wellbeing in the policy making of central governments and considers whether it holds promise as part of the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada.