Do you have any examples to share of adopted public policies that were inspired by a public policy implemented in a jurisdiction other than your own? Were you involved in any way in the policy adoption process? Would you like to share your experience?

Showcasing your work
In connection with our recent document What Factors Can Public Health Actors Consider to Facilitate the Borrowing of a Public Policy? the NCCHPP is looking for concrete examples of public policy borrowing.

We can offer you a platform to share your experience, whether through a webinar on the subject or in a case study published on our website. Take advantage of this opportunity to raise the profile of your work and inspire your colleagues across Canada and beyond!

Eligibility criteria

  • Public sector targeted: the policy may have been borrowed from the public health sector, or from any other public sector that may have an impact on the health of populations or on the determinants of health.
  • Place of importation: the policy must have been brought into a Canadian jurisdiction. However, the borrowed policy may have been initiated in either a Canadian or a foreign jurisdiction.
  • Organizations involved: public health unit; local, provincial/territorial or federal ministry or agency; public agency; not-for-profit organization; private organization.

Example of a relevant case
In 2006, the Smoke-Free Ontario Act was passed to legislate a ban on smoking in the province’s restaurants and bars. This type of legislation was first introduced in Toronto in 1997, and served as an inspiration for other municipalities in the province before finally becoming provincial law.

If you are not sure about the suitability of the example you are considering submitting, please contact Ludwine Tchatat, Scientific Advisor, to discuss it.

How can you submit your story?
Simply fill out a short questionnaire (5 questions) that will guide you in describing your example. To complete the questionnaire, click here.

Please complete the online questionnaire by no later than August 15, 2024.

What next?
By the end of August, the NCCHPP will select from among the testimonials received.
If yours is selected, we will contact you to discuss your experience in more detail and decide on the best way to share your story.

Thank you in advance. We look forward to hearing from you!

A call for your stories - Have you participated in an intersectoral initiative in the context of budget cuts?