Presentations and webinars

Presentation – Collaborating with Elected Representatives in Small Québec Municipalities
This presentation was organized by the Québec Public Health Knowledge Translation Community of Practice (Communauté de pratique sur le transfert des connaissances en santé publique du Québec) for their members. It foregrounded the expertise of Madeleine Lefebvre, a municipal councillor and researcher at the Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue and of Florence Morestin, Scientific Advisor at the NCCHPP. This presentation was held on February 21, 2024.

Webinar – Collaborating with Municipalities: A Practical Point of View
This webinar looked into how public health actors can establish collaborations with municipalities—with a practical focus. It took place on November 3rd, 2021.

Webinar – Producing a Policy Brief: Why and How?
This webinar looked into policy briefs as tools for sharing knowledge with policy makers: their effectiveness, their possible forms, and how to produce them.

Presentation – Overcoming Common Gaps in KT Approaches
The NCCHPP’s Florence Morestin delivered this presentation at the third annual Applied Public Health Chairs meeting, in Ottawa on June 15, 2017.

Presentation – How to Collaborate with Government to Get Your Research on the Policy Agenda
The NCCHPP’s Florence Morestin delivered this presentation on June 13, 2017 in Ottawa, as part of a workshop for starting investigators hosted by the Institute of Population and Public Health.

Webinar – Sharing Knowledge with the Advisors of Policy Makers: A Couple of Myths, a Couple of Tips
This webinar, presented by the NCCHPP’s Florence Morestin, focused on the advisors of policy makers: who are they, and why and how can they be approached when one wants public health knowledge to be considered during public policy development?

Webinar – Influencing Public Policy Through Sharing Public Health Knowledge: How Does It (possibly) Work?
The NCCHPP’s Florence Morestin offered this webinar that focused on how to influence public policy through sharing public health knowledge.

The process of developing public policy: What role can public health professionals play? – Summer Institute 2009
Patrick Fafard presented a workshop on public policy development processes for the NCCHPP during the National Collaborating Centres for Public Health 2009 Summer Institute.

The NCCHPP speaks to the Senate Subcommittee on Population Health
The Centre’s Lead François Benoit speaks to the Senate Subcommittee on Population Health about knowledge translation.