
Scan of Mental Health Strategies across Canada
Scan of Mental Health Strategies across Canada

The Scan of Mental Health Strategies aims to show what is being developed in the field of population mental health across Canada. It provides an overview of mental health and wellness and related strategies through comparative tables and summaries, with a particular emphasis on work related to the promotion of mental health and the prevention of mental illnesses.

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A Framework for Supporting Action in Population Mental Health
A Framework for Supporting Action in Population Mental Health

This document, a translation from an original published article, builds on previous work by the NCCHPP and illustrates how the population mental health framework for public health could be implemented in the Québec context. It is the result of a collaboration between Pascale Mantoura from the NCCHPP, Marie-Claude Roberge from the INSPQ and Louise Fournier from the Université de Montréal.

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