Presentations and webinars

Webinar – Online Course on Health Impact Assessment (HIA): A Tool for Developing Healthy Public Policies
In this webinar, co-presented by the NCC for Methods and Tools (NCCMT) and the NCCHPP, Thierno Diallo presented the HIA process as a tool for promoting the adoption of healthy public policies. He introduced the NCCHPP’s online course on HIA as a tool to support HIA capacity building. Then Gabrielle Manseau spoke about her HIA experience on HIA’s challenges and benefits, as well as her experience with the NCCHPP’s online course. This webinar was held on February 13, 2020.

Seminar on the evaluation of health impact assessments (HIAs): Approaches and experiences in France, Switzerland and Québec
The NCCHPP and the Partenariats et expertises transversales (partnerships and cross-cutting expertises) unit of the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ) organized a seminar on the evaluation of health impact assessments (HIAs).

Webinar – How and Why Evaluate the Implementation of a Health Impact Assessment Process (HIA)?
This webinar discussed the evaluation of an HIA process. It was offered in French only.

Symposium – Building a Collaborative Environment: Bridging Disciplines of Public Health and Planning – Public Health 2019
On May 1, 2019, Thierno Diallo from the NCCHPP contributed to a panel discussion at a symposium entitled “Building a Collaborative Environment: Bridging Disciplines of Public Health and Planning”. The symposium was held at the Public Health 2019 Conference of the Canadian Public Health Association in Ottawa from April 30 to May 2, 2019.

Health impact assessment: Exchange day with practitioners – International perspective
On October 23, 2018, the Centre’s Thierno Diallo offered a presentation during a day of exchanges on Health Impact Assessment (HIA) that was held in Rennes, France. This day was organized by the École des hautes études en santé publique (EHESP) and gathered together experts from France, Switzerland and Québec.

Presentation – Foundations of HIA – A Look at Over 15 Years of Practice – JASP 2016
This presentation focused on how HIA contributes to the renewal of the offering of public health services, as proposed by the Programme national de santé publique (National Public Health Program) 2015-2025 and the new Governmental Policy for Prevention in Health.

Workshop – ‘Health in all Policies’ in Action: Health impact assessment (HIA) and the analysis of residential development projects to promote safe and active travel – CPHA 2014
François Gagnon, Olivier Bellefleur, and Julie Castonguay of the NCCHPP, in collaboration with Émile Tremblay, of Québec’s Montérégie Public Health Unit (Direction de la santé publique de la Montérégie), offered this full-day pre-conference session at CPHA 2014 in Toronto.

Workshop – Becoming Familiar with HIA as a Strategy for Health in All Policies – HIA 2012
As part of the 12th International Conference on HIA held in Québec City in August 2012, the NCCHPP offered an introductory workshop on the health impact assessment (HIA) approach.

Workshop – HIA Practice in Aboriginal Contexts in Canada: How, to What End, and by Whom? – HIA 2012
As part of the 12th International Conference on HIA held in Québec City in August 2012, the NCCHPP organized this discussion workshop on the HIA practice in aboriginal contexts in Canada.

Dialogues on HIA and Aboriginal Health
The NCCHPP and NCCAH explored Health Impact Assessment and its usefulness in First Nations, Métis and Inuit contexts.